Receiving Services

Licensed Therapists

Our licensed therapists provide Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy services to your child, as outlined in the IEP.

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy assists preschool students who have difficulties with communication skills. For example: oral motor strength and coordination, sound production skills, building vocabulary, communicating effectively, understanding language concepts.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy for preschool students focuses on enhancing strength, balance and coordination to improve movement skills. For example: moving around home or school, playing at the park, safely going up and down stairs, maintaining balance in crowded situations, motor skills involved in playing games.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy assists preschoolers with sensory processing (responding to the information from our environment in appropriate ways), eye-hand coordination, visual perception (how we interpret what we see), self care and play skills.

Special Education Itinerant Teacher

A certified special education teacher provides individual or group instruction for preschool children. The Special Education Itinerant Teacher (SEIT) may also work with the student's preschool teacher on a consultant basis to help meet the student's needs.

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