Inclusion Preschool

Milestones operates an inclusion preschool program within Little Lukes, which includes children with special needs in classrooms with typically developing children.

Excellent Curriculum

Our team of Early Childhood Specialists use award-winning education programs from the most respected associations for early childhood curriculums.

Special Needs Focus

Children with special needs participate in all classroom activities with modifications made as needed. This may include adaptations and modifications to the curriculum, activities and schedules. This program is operated by Milestones within Little Lukes centers.

Related Services

Milestones' integrated program also allows children with special needs to receive related services like physical therapy or speech therapy during their preschool day, with a team approach to service delivery.

Preparing for Success

We provide children with the ongoing services and supports that they need to succeed. Studies show that inclusion prepares children with special needs for school and the real world, results in higher developmental outcomes, develops improved communication and social skills, and promotes relationships with peers.

Education Goal

At Little Lukes Childcare Center, our education goal is simple: to help your child blossom intellectually, socially and emotionally, while having a lot of purposeful fun along the way. Call now to set up a tour and learn more.

  • Inclusion Preschool Evaluation Form Download
Next Step: Enrollment
