Next Steps / IFSP

Next Steps - If your child is eligible

If your child is eligible, an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) will be developed. This will include what you would like to see happen or improve with your child.

Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)

If the evaluation results show your child is eligible for Early Intervention services, the IFSP is the next step. An IFSP is a written plan that describes:

  • what you and your family hope to gain from Early Intervention services.
  • the Early Intervention services your child and family will receive to help you reach your goals.
  • who will provide the services and where, when, and how often.
  • activities and strategies that may be helpful to you and your family in reaching your goals.

Choosing EI Providers

The service coordinator will then find providers for your child. You may request an agency or a specific therapist as the provider of EI services. You can choose Little Lukes from the list of approved EI service providers. We offer Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Special Instruction (teacher) services.

Evaluation Summary

A copy of the full written evaluation will be sent to you within 2 weeks. A copy will also go to your service coordinator. It will only go to additional people, such as your physician or daycare provider, with written consent from you.

If your child is not eligible

If the evaluation team determines that your child is not eligible for Early Intervention services, we will provide you with suggestions and information to assist in enhancing your child's development in the concern areas. If using those suggestions are not helping your child improve, or if additional concerns arise, then you are encouraged to call Early Intervention for an additional assessment.

Next Step: Receiving Services
